You’ve To Be Fine

They burnt them all.

They burnt them all for the sake of smiles, that came just for a while and the left back ashes, which soon went to thrashes.

The sparks of the night which might

Have been someone’s best sight, to fight for what they could never see, and just would rest in peace.

The glazing sticks , that mixes with the dark days, and gives colours of vivid wavelengths, and strengthens the relations of love.

Think of those days where all you were left with is just dances and a wide smiles, as wide as the whole universe would fit in, to just win each and everything, you every wished to.

Why can’t that smile be still there , when you are left alone after the happy days, with the sad parts and the faces to cry on, and have a sigh on, just so that, the negatives would vanish.

Remind yourself that each day, you breath, and feed your body, is a happy day to have a joyous ride, by the lake side called life.

And just days of lights and smokes, on the roads, and the sweets and gifts, on the boards aren’t enough to make you sit there and realise, that this time,

‘You’ve to be fine.’

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